Expert Advice: Find Out How to Make Your Heating Oil Last Longer

Boiler Service

How to Make Your Heating Oil Last Longer

When temperatures drop and the winter chill sets in, heating becomes a top priority for many households. Heating oil is a common fuel source for warmth in off-grid communities. However, large fuel consumption can significantly impact both your wallet and the environment.

That said, a few simple adjustments and mindful habits can make your heating oil last longer, cutting down on expenses. Read on to discover some practical tips to help you achieve just that.

Firstly, how long does heating oil last?

There is no one-size-fits all answer as several factors influence the longevity of your heating oil, such as:

  • The size of your home
  • The frequency of heating system use
  • The efficiency of your boiler

Read about how long your heating oil should last in more detail.

7 Practical Tips to Make Your Heating Oil Last Longer

Prioritise Regular Maintenance

Keeping your oil heating system well-maintained is crucial for preserving your heating oil. Clean filters, finely tuned thermostats and properly functioning components all contribute to an efficient system. This efficiency directly affects how much heating oil your system uses.

To ensure peak efficiency, make sure to get your oil boiler serviced annually with an OFTEC engineer. These professionals can identify any potential issues before they escalate into serious problems that may require emergency assistance.

Learn all about our oil boiler services designed to make your heating system more energy efficient.

Use Your Smart Thermostat Wisely

A smart thermostat is a modern, programmable device designed to efficiently regulate a home’s temperature. The system can remotely adjust temperatures according to preset schedules and user habits using smartphones or other devices. This allows you to easily manage heating for comfort when necessary while conserving energy during unused periods. Ultimately, smart thermostats support cost savings while adopting a more eco-friendly approach to home heating.

Upgrade Your Insulation

Enhancing your home’s insulation acts as a robust defence against heat loss. When you insulate your walls, attics, and crawl spaces effectively, you’re essentially creating a barrier that traps warmth indoors. Insulation significantly reduces the amount of home heating oil required to keep your home snug during the winter months.

What’s more, insulation offers the added benefit of keeping your home pleasantly cool during sweltering heat. In turn, your space will maintain a comfortable temperature regardless of the season.

Monitor Your Heating Oil Usage

Monitoring your heating oil usage closely provides valuable insights into energy consumption patterns. In turn, you can spot irregularities or sudden spikes in usage. This helps pinpoint areas where you’re wasting energy or systems that aren’t performing optimally.

Understanding these patterns means you can adjust your heating habits accordingly. Additionally, spotting unusual patterns could indicate potential faults in your heating system, prompting you to seek professional assistance.

Explore our handy guide for more ways to track your heating oil usage.

Practice Zone Heating

Zone heating lets you heat specific rooms rather than heating your entire house. This technique involves using separate heating sources or controls for different zones, enabling tailored temperature adjustments. This method helps save heating oil as you gain precise control over when and where you require warmth. By practising zone heating, you can enjoy customised comfort while significantly reducing overall heating oil costs and consumption.

Utilise Sunlight and Natural Heat

A smart way to stretch your heating oil further is by harnessing sunlight. During the day, open curtains and blinds to welcome sunlight into your home, naturally warming the indoors. Sunlight serves as a cost-free and efficient heat source, reducing your dependency on heating systems.

As night arrives, close your curtains and blinds to retain the day’s warmth. This straightforward practice keeps indoor heat trapped, preventing it from escaping through windows.

Upgrade Your Heating System

Upgrading your heating system to a newer model can significantly contribute to saving heating oil for several reasons. Firstly, modern oil boilers usually feature advanced technology that maximises fuel efficiency. This technology ensures that the oil boiler generates more heat per unit of oil consumed. Additionally, modern oil fired boilers utilise features like better insulation, improved combustion processes, and advanced heat exchangers, which collectively minimise energy wastage.

We understand that the initial investment might seem substantial. However, the long-term savings from reduced heating oil consumption makes upgrading your heating system a financially savvy decision.

Discover affordable heating oil tank upgrades at Our expert engineers will handle everything, from finding you the perfect oil tank to seamless delivery and installation.

Implementing just a few of these simple tips can make a big impact. Whether it’s regular maintenance or utilising natural heat sources, you’ll observe a significant improvement in your heating oil’s longevity.

Got any more pressing questions about making your heating oil last longer or reducing your energy bills? Reach out to our friendly team who will be happy to help. Alternatively, explore our blog for valuable energy-saving tips and tricks.